Dentistry of Togliatti is a clinic center which deals with numerous issues on teeth and gums. Our clinic specialization is complicated cases and we do our best to find a comprehensive solution to any issue.
Huge experience in dentistry, modern effective technologies and love to the things we do allow us to work efficiently, fast and competently.
Our stomatology clinic is a partner of Sirona, a German company, and Moscow Institute of biotechnologies and interdisciplinary stomatology.
Our staff includes 50 people who constantly cultivate their knowledge, study innovations in dentistry and take part in international academic conferences. Qualifications of our highly-skilled specialists save explanations.
Our dentistry: services
Diastom provides wide range of services:
- periodontology;
- implantation;
- prosthesis;
- dental caries and other teeth issues treatment;
- teeth alignment and whitening;
- computer-aided diagnosis;
- bad breath abolition;
- surgery during a sleep;
- stomatology for children.
If you consider stomatology clinics of Togliatti focus on Diastom since it’s the clinic of complicated cases. We help many people to bring back dental health independently from complexity of surgery.
It’s important to emphasize, that for a period of long time procedures which take days or weeks you get temporary crowns, it means you will be feeling comfortable in public and smiling with no fear.
Our specialists create an ideal schedule of visits for every client. You don’t have to change your working schedule or business trip time as we take into account all your preferences. Your important things will be ok.